
Much of the team’s work over the past decade has involved the development of new tools to measure complex social psychological phenomena. We have developed and validated three psychometric instruments, all of which are free to use with appropriate citation. Learn about these tools below by clicking on the journal cover for the original article or “learn more” to see the items and scoring instructions. Contact Dr. Patrick Grzanka with any questions and please notify us if you use any of the measures in your work.


Sexual Orientation Beliefs Scale

The Sexual Orientation Beliefs Scale (SOBS) can be used with sexual minorities and heterosexual-identified respondents to assess their beliefs about the nature and origins of sexual orientation. Note that Form 1 is validated for use only with sexual minorities, whereas Form 2 is appropriate for sexuality-diverse samples.


White Racial Affect Scale

The White Racial Affect Scale (WRAS) is a scenario-based measure that assesses White respondents’ proneness to White guilt, White shame, and negation, a cognitive-affective strategy for denying these feelings.

Listen to a podcast about the WRAS.


Anti-Neoliberal Attitudes Scale

The Anti-Neoliberal Attitudes Scale (ANAS) was developed to assess the extent to which respondents have internalized or rejected “neoliberal” ideas about meritocracy, diversity, and social inequality.


The Hidden Curriculum of Academic Writing: Toward Demystifying Manuscript Preparation in Counseling Psychology

In addition to my psychometric work, colleagues and I have developed a guide to academic publishing and manuscript preparation that is relevant to scholars working in psychology, as well as throughout the social sciences.


The Integrated Behavioral Model of Mental Health Help Seeking (IBM-HS): A Health Services Utilization Theory of Planned Behavior for Accessing Care

Joseph Hammer, colleagues, and I developed a structurally oriented model of help-seeking behavior to guide research on mental health care engagement. You can learn more about the model at and read the original manuscript here.